Monday, July 1, 2013


working on a series for a small show that i'll be having at Beals & Abbate on August 30th that we're calling 'sara shawger seven'.  the idea is that i will paint away and then ultimately pick 7 of the best works to display.  my focus is on light and shadow and creating three dimensionality while still retaining my brush stroke and the expressionistic feel.  the first piece in this series will also be in the august issue of Southwest Art magazine, i'm excited to see the article, it will come out at the end of july.  

The Storm on the Other Side
30" x 40"
oil on canvas

right now i'm eating throat lozenges like candy and can only talk for a few minutes before breaking out in a coughing fit.  being sick in the summer is not fun.  another good night's sleep and i should be feeling good again.  not to mention monsoon season is starting here in santa fe and i can't wait to spend my evenings chasing storms with my camera and coming back to my studio full of inspiration!